Wednesday, May 11, 2005


“I looked at the face of the crucifix and, though I was no friend to images, and despised that imitative and grimacing art of which it was a rude example, some sense of what the thing implied was carried home to my intelligence. The face looked down upon me with a painful and deadly contraction, but the rays of a glory encircled it, and reminded me that the sacrifice was voluntary: It stood there, crowning the rock, as it still stands on so many highway sides, vainly preaching to passers-by, an emblem of sad and noble truths: that pleasure is not an end but an accident; that pain is the choice of the magnanimous; that it is best to suffer all things and do well”

R.L. Stevenson, Olalla.

P.D. Efectivamente, el anonimo no ha vuelto. Creo que tiene un blog. Me parece que alguna vez vi un comentario suyo ("Elusive Mind") en el blog de alguien, pero no recuerdo de quien...


No one said...


Creo que yo también lo he visto en algún lugar

Anonymous said...


post something new!!! mmkay???