Wednesday, April 08, 2009

What a shame...

"Atlanta, Dallas, Indianapolis, Houston and St. Louis have been ranked the most wasteful cities in America, according to a recent survey. If you live in San Francisco, you have yet another reason to pat yourself on the back: San Franciscans are the least-wasteful people in the country."
America's five most wasteful cities

And the five greenest cities: San Francisco, New York, Portland, Seattle, Los Ángeles...
... I wonder if it's just a coincidence that all these cities are in democratic states...



Luis Galaz said...

Vale madre que no ha de ser coincidencia. Los repúblicanos deben tener mas marcados todos los vicios a los que lleva un conservadurismo fanático, despilfarrador, porcino, dinerero, racista, narcisista, ntransigente, estúpido y acéfalo.

LanthanumHexaboride said...

Porcino, jajaja [arrancóme una modesta carcajada (valga la contradicción)].